Providing Legal Counsel to Public and Non-Profit Agencies in California since 1981 De Lay & Laredo currently serves a variety of agencies as City Attorney, Counsel, General Counsel and Special Counsel.


Training seminars are offered virtually. Please contact our office at (831) 646-1502, for dates scheduled or to schedule a date.

Ethics & Brown Act Training​

De Lay & Laredo attorneys regularly provide AB 1234 (CA Government Code Sec. 53235) training in compliance with regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). Private sessions can be scheduled ranging from intimate groups of 5 to as large as 50 attendees.

Harassment Prevention Training​

Our firm provides harassment prevention training AB 1825 (California Code Section 12950.1) in compliance with California Assembly Bill 1825. Private sessions can be scheduled ranging from intimate groups of 5 to as large as 50 attendees.

Ethical Conduct in Public Services

This "Ethics 101" course offers an overview of Ethics & Ethics Law to promote an ethical culture; participants spots ethical issues by discussing a series of practical scenarios.

California Environmental Quality Act

Firm members regularly offer orientation sessions regarding the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA-California Public Resources Code 21000). Seminars are designed to provide an overview for policy makers, or facilitate substantive technical discussions for implementing staff.

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