Providing Legal Counsel to Public and Non-Profit Agencies in California since 1981 De Lay & Laredo currently serves a variety of agencies as City Attorney, Counsel, General Counsel and Special Counsel.

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Training

California Public Resources Code Section 21000

(g) It is the intent of the Legislature that all agencies of the state government which regulate activities of private individuals, corporations, and public agencies which are found to affect the quality of the environment, shall regulate such activities so that major consideration is given to preventing environmental damage, while providing a decent home and satisfying living environment for every Californian.
California Public Resources Code Section 21000Click here for entire government code

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are important and significant environmental laws designed to protect the environment and our natural resources. These laws require government agencies at the national, state, and local levels to conduct an environmental assessment of a proposed project’s impact before the project receives approval. Environmental assessments under CEQA and NEPA are designed to inform government decision-makers and the public about the potentially significant environmental impacts of a proposed project and to identify ways to prevent and mitigate possible damages to the environment.

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